Thursday, December 6, 2012

They call me Doctor Worm. Good morning, how are you? I'm doctor Worm!

Hello people of the world, and konichiwa!

That being said, I have a few things to run my mouth about.

#1:  Upcoming Zelda Cosplay
I hope to get around to doing a Link Cosplay soon. I already have the costume, and I'm working on some prop ideas. So, keep your fingers crossed that I get off my ass and get to it!
I'm thinking of maybe doing a Magic Bean shoot, or something with a young Link weapon... Not sure yet.

#2: Complete: BioShock 2
Last night, I finished the epic game of BioShock 2.
I seriously enjoyed the duel wielding addition that was sorely missed in the first BioShock.
Using the Eve Hypo and Weapons simultaneously puts me a notch up on the "kick ass meter"
Thank you for that, oh delicious masterminds!
Something else I really enjoyed about BioShock 2 was that it didn't "baby sit" so much as the first one, and as many of these types of games do.
There was actually a multiple choice mission, which I found thrilling! I *spoiler alert* went with the maintenance tunnel, probably out of spite, because the first go round I went with finding the key code, aaannnnnnddd I got stuck in that damn cell!
Please tell me I'm not the only retard that did that? haha.
I actually really liked that trap. The only time I've ever had to revert to my last save while playing BioShock. I appreciate the change. And nooooow I CANNOT WAIT for BioShock Infinite!!!

#3: Operation Poor Girl
That's what I call my Christmas gift plight. Being seriously broke makes it hard to give Christmas present, but I have found the solution!
Big box of forgotten Fimo + Craftiness + Awesome ideas = This years Chrsitmas gifts.

I've only gotten around the making one so far, but here's a picture anyhow.

The pendent (Gene Tonic from BioShock) is made from Femo, and the necklace is hemp. BOO-YA!

I probably won't end up giving this to anyone, as it was my first try and ended up looking rather poorly. Not to mention, the dogs chewed off a good part of the hemp directly after this picture was taken. Pshhhh. Darn.

Alright, I do believe that's all.... For now ;)


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