Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I love Lord Of The Rings.
That is probably all you need to know about me, ever.
Only, there's more.
I like Star Wars too.
And Dr. Who.
and comic books,
and RPGs,
and HTML
and The Legend Of Zelda,
and Pi.
Anyways, I could go on and on, but you get the picture.

I am a geek, and I do not care what other people think about it, I am completely in love with being who I am.
My dad can try repeatedly (and so he does) to convince me that learning Elvish is a waste of time, but I won't listen.
Many people don't understand.
This is a passion, a way of life.
The same way some people love to express themselves through singing, I love to  express myself by dressing up as a character from a Japanese Anime.
Some people find happiness in running a marathon, whereas I am drowning in bliss  when a new Dr. Who episode is released.
Most people go to places like Disney World or Hawaii for vacation; I am staying in a replica if a Hobbit house.
Things that people deem as a "waste of time" complete my life and bring a smile to my face.
I think spending an hour on ones hair everyday is a waste of time, but this is deemed normal in our culture. So why is weird if I spend hours on a cosplay costume?
Perhaps we will never know.
But I think I like it this way.
It takes a special kind of person to be a geek, to be someone so passionate about sci-fi/etc that you spend hundreds of dollars on transportation, rooming and a ticket and walk around in a (usually) uncomfortable costume just to go to a con.
... That is who I am, and I will never be ashamed of it.

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